BioNanoLab News

All Abstracts have been Accepted!

Abstracts of our members; Dr. Aysel TOMAK, Eyüp BİLGİ, Muhammet Semih BAŞLAR, Selin ÇEŞMELİ, Anıl Can ÖNDER, and Melisa TÜNCER were accepted by XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT2022) in Maastricht, the Netherlands that will be organized from September 18 to 21, 2022.

Also, our PhD student Eyüp BİLGİ has been accepted for the EUROTOX travel bursary for ICT 2022.

Our First Graduate!

Our MSc student Anıl Can ÖNDER has successfully defended his MSc thesis entitled “Optimizing the Dispersion of Ceramic Nanoparticles and Assessing the Role of Aggregation in Mediating Biological Activity” and become the first graduate of BioNanoLab!

Horizon-MSCA-COFUND 2021 Project of Iztech has Earned European Comission Grant

İzmir Institute of Technology has received a grant from European Comission for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie – COFUND innovation project. The total budget of the project which is 2,688,000€ will be utilized by Iztech to lure international scientists. The project will be conducted with Boğaziçi University and İzmir Biomedicine and Genome Center and 22 different pioneer research and industry organizations from different countries will be the partners of the project. Project will fund international PhD students desiring an education in multidisciplinary fields.

Our principal investigator Asst. Prof. Ceyda ÖKSEL KARAKUŞ is one of the four organization leaders of the project.